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ACTIVITÉ d’ÉCOUTE 1 et 2 – French listening comprehension activity



Do you need a FRENCH LISTENING COMPREHENSION activity for your grade 6-8 French immersion or high school FSL class? This French resource includes 2 listening comprehension activities. Links are included for the YouTube videos, and comprehension questions can be answered on paper or digitally using the digital version for Google Slides™. No prep is required. A complete answer key is included.

How it works:

Students will watch the video either as a class or individually and answer the associated comprehension questions.

Videos used for these activities:



What’s included in this French resource?

🩷 2 x French listening comprehension activities

🩷 2 pages of comprehension questions for each activity

🩷 direct links to the YouTube videos

🩷 1 x B&W version for each activity

🩷 1 x digital version for Google Slides™ for each activity

🩷 1 complete answer key for each activity



Special instructions:

⚠️ The ability to watch a YouTube video with sound is required for these activities.

⚠️ This resource is intended to be printed on 8.5 x 11 paper.

⚠️ The digital version of this resource has been created for Google Slides™.

⚠️This resource was designed for French immersion grades 6-8 or Senior French/High school FSL programs.



How can this resource be used?

✔︎ work on French listening comprehension skills

✔︎ work on French writing

✔︎ activity for class discussion

✔︎ fun activities for your sub plans

✔︎ independent work

✔︎ fast finisher activities

✔︎ activities that can easily be given as homework

✔︎ summer school activities



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Instagram – @mmechristine

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Pinterest – @mmechristinevancouver

Email – [email protected]



Copyright © Mme Christine – ressources françaises

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


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