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La Grèce antique – La Grèce ancienne – 23 projets et activités d’intro – Ancient Greece Unit

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $23.50.

Introduction à la Grèce antique - La Grèce ancienne - Introduction to Ancient Greece

La Grèce antique 1 - La Grèce ancienne - La vie quotidienne - 5 projets - Ancient Greece Projects

La Grèce antique 2 - La Grèce ancienne - La mythologie et la littérature - 5 projets - Ancient Greece Projects

La Grèce antique 3 - La Grèce ancienne - Les idées et les innovations - 5 projets - Ancient Greece Projects

La Grèce antique 4 - La Grèce ancienne - Le commerce et le transport - 3 projets - Ancient Greece Projects

La Grèce antique 5 I La Grèce ancienne I Les conflits et les affaires 5 projets


Are you looking for a fun French unit on ANCIENT GREECE that includes ready-to-complete PROJECTS and INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITIES? This FRENCH RESOURCE BUNDLE for ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS includes 6 intro activities to get students excited about Ancient Greece & 23 projects related to different themes broken down into easy-to-follow student criteria sheets. Each project has its own criteria sheet, graphic organizers, and evaluation rubric. Ideal for grade 6-9 FI students. Cet ensemble continent 8 activités d’introduction reliées à la Grèce antique et 22 projets sur 5 différents thèmes. Chaque projet est clairement expliqué sur sa propre feuille de critères, et comprend des organisateurs graphiques et une rubric pour l’évaluation. No prep is needed; print and go. Answer keys and a B&W version are all included.

How it works:

No prior knowledge is needed. Work through the introductory activities together, in small groups, or let students work at their own pace. Then, let students decide which project(s) they want to complete. Each project has its own instructions, graphic organizers, and evaluation rubric. Students will need access to the Internet for research.



What’s included in this French resource?

🩷 6 introductory activities to Ancient Greece (8 pages): la Grèce antique – questions de recherche, compte comme un Grec ou une Grecque, un jeu de mots cachés grec – nouveau vocabulaire, les racines grecques, les abbréviations AEC et EC, un peu de grammaire (les adjectifs grec/grecque et les noms propres Grec/Grecque)

🩷 1 x 2-page quiz for intro activities

🩷 5 projects on “la vie quotidienne”: un menu grec, les habitats des Grecs de l’Antiquité, les maisons typiques d’une cité-État, l’agora d’Athènes, les femmes de la Grèce antique

🩷 5 projects on “la mythologie et la littérature”: les dieux et les déesses, du vocabulaire de la Grèce antique, les héros grecs, la mythologie grecque, la ville perdue d’Atlantide

🩷 5 projects on “les idées et les innovations”: la poterie grecque, le Parthénon, les personnages importants, les anciens Jeux olympiques, les monuments célèbres

🩷 3 projects on “le commerce et le transport”: les navires de la Grèce antique, l’échange des biens; la mer, le marbre et les olives

🩷 5 projects on “les conflits et les affaires”: la guerre et le cheval de Troie, Alexandre le Grand, la bataille de Marathon, le soldat spartitate, la démocratie athénienne

🩷 Each project has its own criteria sheet, which introduces the subject, provides a description of the project, gives suggestions for the presentation of the student’s research, and has a checklist for the final copy of the project

🩷 46 graphic organizers tailored to each project

🩷 23 evaluation rubrics tailored to each project

🩷 A complete answer key for the intro activities

🩷 1 BONUS FILE – Les présentations orales criteria sheet

🩷 Teacher instructions



Special instructions:

⚠️ This resource is intended to be printed on 8.5 x 11 paper.

⚠️ Students will require access to the Internet to conduct research.

⚠️ This resource was designed for French immersion and Francophone programs in grades 6-9.



How can this resource be used?

✔︎ A complete unit for the study of Ancient Greece

✔︎ Project idea to complement your Ancient Greece unit

✔︎ End of unit projects to be completed after some introductory learning on Ancient Greece

✔︎ Supplementary activities for your Ancient Civilizations unit

✔︎ Independent work

✔︎ Gifted programs / Enrichment activities

✔︎ Assessment – use the rubrics to evaluate your students on a 4-point scale

✔︎ Summer school projects



Educators like you said…

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️”FINALLY a French resource for ancient civilizations! These are so hard to come by! It was a bit complicated for my grade 4 students but it has some great info and gave me starting point. Merci” – Julie D.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️”Really great ideas. Easy way to help cover the outcomes.” – Lisa Ciancaglini

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️”I was blown away by the quality of this resource! The unit is so comprehensive and provides student choice with the way in which they want to demonstrate their learning. My students came up with such creative assignments. As a French immersion teacher, I’m THRILLED to see a resource created by a francophone teacher! Merci beaucoup Mme Christine! I will definitely be buying more resources from this teacher. ” – Adrienne H.



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