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Trouve le match 3 – Jeu de révision de la grammaire – French grammar game



This FRENCH RESOURCE is a fun way to review French grammar concepts with your students in Grades 4 to 7. There are 20 concepts to review in partners or as small groups. 10 minutes max of prep time needed to photocopy and cut out for each group a set of the concepts and answers to match. Answer key included. Cette ressource française est une façon amusante de revoir des concepts de grammaire avec vos élèves de la 4e à la 7e année. Il y a 20 concepts à revoir en partenaire ou en petits groupes. Allouez 10 minutes max de temps de préparation afin de photocopier et de découper un jeu pour chaque groupe. La clé de correction est incluse.

How it works:

Simply print a set of the game for each group. Cut out the concepts and answers. Teacher instructions are included in the PDF. After the game is over, you may want to review and discuss the different concepts with the class. Everything you will need is in the resource. Print and go!



What’s included in this French resource?

🩷 20 French concepts to identify and match with the correct example

🩷 Teacher instructions

🩷 1 complete answer key



Special instructions:

⚠️ The printable version of this resource is intended to be printed on 8.5 x 11 paper.

⚠️ Teacher instructions are in English, allowing teachers to leave the game from non-French speaking substitute teachers.

⚠️This resource was designed for French immersion grades 4-7 or Senior French/High school FSL programs.



How can this resource be used?

✔︎ A fun way to review French grammar concepts with the class

✔︎ Low prep activity to leave for a substitute teacher

✔︎ Activities to use at the beginning of the year to gauge student’s abilities

✔︎ Fun end-of-year review activities

✔︎ Independent work

✔︎ Fast finishers / Challenge work for students working ahead

✔︎ Gifted programs / Gifted students

✔︎ Assessment

✔︎ Summer school activities



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Copyright © Mme Christine – ressources françaises

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


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